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What is Laparoscopy? Is It Safe to Undergo Laparoscopic Surgery - Advantages, Risk and Complications?


Laparoscopy is a medical procedure that gives a clear view of your internal organs without making a big incision on the target area. Using the laparoscope, the surgeon can diagnose your medical issues and also collect a sample of your tissues for further testing. This thin tube can be inserted into your abdomen through a small cut, considerably smaller than the incision in an open surgery. If your laparoscopic gynae surgeon in Vashi, Navi Mumbai has recommended this diagnosis procedure, keep reading to learn more about what it is and how safe is laparoscopic surgery.

What Exactly is Laparoscopic Surgery?

A laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, in which, the surgeon makes 3-4 small cuts on your abdomen to move the laparoscope easily through the holes and get a clear picture of your organs. Your surgeon will then fill your abdomen with gas to get enough room to operate.

Not every medical condition can be treated with laparoscopic surgery, but it’s the most preferred surgical solution for a vast majority of reproductive health issues. For instance, hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is most commonly performed with a laparoscope. It’s also an ideal diagnostic procedure for issues that remain undiagnosed with X-rays, ultrasound, and other imaging tests.

Is Laparoscopy Safe?

Laparoscopy is a safe alternative to the open surgery. Because of the minimal blood loss and the small scars, the procedure is regarded as one of the safest ways to get a clear look inside one’s abdomen. It’s also known for its accurate diagnosis. The condition that can’t be diagnosed in X-rays and other tests can be clearly seen with a laparoscope and can be treated right away. That said, it carries the risk of complications. They are rare but possible. Here are a few:

  • Injury to the internal organs

  • Internal bleeding

  • Side effects of anesthesia

  • Inflamed abdominal wall

In rare cases, a blood clot can form and travel down your legs. It can also reach your heart or brain, leading to strokes.

Benefits of Laparoscopy

Laparoscopic surgery in Navi Mumbai is much better and safer than open surgery. Not just because of the smaller incision, but because it comes with a host of benefits.

  • Faster recovery due to minimal bleeding

  • Small scars compared to the one large scar from an open surgery

  • Return to your routine activities within a few days

  • Fewer medications

  • Less discomfort and pain

Many patients get discharged from the hospital within 5-6 hours of the procedure if it’s performed just for diagnosis purposes. That said, some patients might be a good candidate for the open surgery. So, it’s advisable to discuss your health, condition, and preference with the surgeon before undergoing laparoscopic surgery.

Recovery Tips for Laparoscopic Surgery

The doctor will keep you in the hospital to monitor your vital functions after the procedure. Do not drive, drink alcohol, smoke, or practice any heavy exercise that can put unnecessary pressure on your abdomen. You can take the bandage off in 2-3 days following the surgery. 

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