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The 9th Month: Everything You Need to Know About the Last Few Weeks of Pregnancy

Best Maternity Hospital In Vashi, Navi Mumbai

 The last month of the pregnancy is all about the baby’s birth. You are constantly worried about giving birth at any moment. Most babies are born between 36 and 42 weeks of pregnancy, while very few are born on the due date. Your gynecologist in Navi Mumbai will ask you to visit the hospital every week. Here’s all you should know about the last month of pregnancy and what to expect.

Visit Your Gynecologist Regularly

It’s important to see the doctor weekly once the ninth month starts. During this period, the doctor will be able to address your concerns and monitor your baby’s health. The doctor will test your blood pressure, amount of protein in the urine, glucose levels, and other things. Preeclampsia is a common medical condition likely to develop at the last few stages of pregnancy. You need to watch out for the signs of preeclampsia and other pregnancy-related complications. 

In the last week of pregnancy, your doctor will measure the baby's growth. If you have an existing medical condition or a complicated pregnancy, your doctor will order ultrasound tests every four weeks to check the size and growth of your fetus. The doctor will also check the position of the baby in your womb. Normally, a baby is in a head-down position for safe vaginal delivery. However, if the baby is in a bottom-down position, the doctor might have to conduct a c-section to ensure safe delivery.

Monitor How You are Feeling

It’s difficult to tell when exactly you will go into labor. The doctor can’t precisely tell whether you will have a normal vaginal delivery or a c-section until you go into labor. That’s why you should visit the best maternity hospital in Navi Mumbai every week in the last month of your pregnancy for a regular checkup. 

If you experience contractions every minute for 2-3 hours and you have fluid leakage, you are in labor. Trust your intuition always. Call your doctor if anything feels unusual or if you think you might get into labor any minute. Visit the hospital immediately if you notice bleeding, extreme headache, changes in vision, chest pain, or decreased fetal movement. 

A common question for most pregnant women is how do I know I’m going into labor? How to know if my water broke? And when is the perfect time to get to the hospital? You should watch out for Braxton Hicks contractions. They don’t indicate labor but are a sign that your uterus is preparing for childbirth. These are comparatively mild and might disappear within a few hours or recur later in the day. 

Prepare for the Labor

It’s best to prepare for labor starting the 9th month of your pregnancy. You should have comfy clothes, a pair of comfortable slippers, baby clothes, a phone charger, a brush, and other hygienic products packed. The most obvious sign that you are in labor is the fluid discharge from your vagina.

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