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Introduction to Menopause and Menopausal Transition

 Menopause refers to the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. You enter menopause when you don’t get your menses for 12 consecutive months. A woman can no longer conceive after menopause. Before and during menopause, your body goes through a lot of changes because of the fluctuating hormones. It may take a while to adapt to these changes. You might experience hot flashes, excess sweating, restlessness, and vaginal dryness. Contact the best gynecologist in Navi Mumbai if you experience these symptoms. 

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An average woman undergoes menopause in their early 40s or 50s, although it may take longer for some women to become infertile. Those who’ve removed their ovaries surgically due to cancer or other chronic illnesses are likely to undergo menopause immediately. 

How Does it Occur?

Natural menopause is a part of a woman’s aging. For some, it happens due to medical intervention. Others undergo menopause normally. Peri-menopause starts 8-10 years before your period stops. It happens when your body is no longer fertile and it produces less estrogen than usual. 

The symptoms start showing up a few years before menopause (mostly in your early 40s) and last until the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs. The symptoms are a bit severe in the last 1-2 years leading up to menopause. Due to the sudden drop in the estrogen level, you might experience many symptoms. Note that you can still conceive during perimenopause. In fact, a woman is considered fertile as long as she gets periods. 

You enter menopause as soon as your ovaries stop releasing eggs and the level of estrogen in your body reduces dramatically. At this point, your peri-menopausal symptoms will ease. However, some women experience menopausal symptoms for years after the menopausal transition. With lower levels of estrogen in your body, you are at a higher risk of serious complications, such as arthritis or heart diseases.

Premature Menopause

Some women enter menopause at 45. Others experience it in their early 50s. However, menopause can occur early in women who undergo surgical procedures to remove ovaries. Certain treatments for chronic illnesses, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, might lead to the onset of menopause. 

It is possible that you enter menopause as early as in your 30s or 40s without any medical intervention or disease. It happens due to primary ovarian insufficiency, a medical condition in which your ovaries stop functioning. For those who want to get pregnant, there’s still a chance you can conceive. Visit the best maternity hospital in Vashi, Navi Mumbai to know your treatment options.

Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal symptoms vary from woman to woman. But, a few common symptoms that most women are likely to experience before entering menopause are:

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • A sudden need to urinate quickly
  • Insomnia
  • Dry skin and dry mouth
  • Tender breasts
  • Periods occur every 2-3 months or as frequently as every 10 days.
  • Heavy bleeding and clots

In addition, the menopausal transition can lead to joint and muscle aches, hair thinning, and headaches. These symptoms indicate that you are nearing menopause. As mentioned earlier, you experience these symptoms because of sudden fluctuations in your hormone levels. 

These were only to name a few. Your body goes through several physical issues to adapt to these changes. Some women report hair thinning and hair loss, while others notice excess facial hair growth during this period. While the above symptoms usually indicate menopause, they might also occur due to other medical conditions, such as fibroid growth in the uterus. If you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids, consult the best fibroids removal surgery specialist in Navi Mumbai right away.


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