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Choose the Best Maternity Hospital that Guarantees care and Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic


With the growing number of COVID-19 cases, it is getting hard for pregnant women to schedule in-person appointments with the gynecologist in Vashi. From your prenatal appointments to the delivery, you are going to have to prepare yourself for the regular hospital visits during pregnancy. It’s normal to have a lot of questions when it comes to choosing a maternity hospital.

Which gynecologist do I want? Is the maternity hospital safe for the woman and kids? Do they have the latest technology and infrastructure to cater to the emergency requirements? It is important to pick the hospital for prenatal care and delivery, more now than ever. Almost every hospital has a separate ward for COVID-19 patients. The new-born babies and women that have a weak immune system are at high risk of virus transmission. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing the best maternity hospital for prenatal care.

Clinical Excellence

Most people consider the hospitals that have a board-certified medical team that’s ready to guide the women through labor and other procedures. If you choose a maternity or fertility clinic in Navi Mumbai, you will find many certified physicians and gynecologists that have several years of experience in childbirth and postpartum care. One such experienced and certified gyno in Navi Mumbai is Dr. Uday Thanawala.

Check the infrastructure of the maternity hospital. Try to choose a hospital that treats only fertility cases. For example, IVF Specialty Clinic in Vashi accepts only maternity patients.

Special Care Nursery

Choose a hospital that has a dedicated team of neonatologists or nurses. They must be trained and qualified for the care of babies. Premature babies need special care. The hospital must have a dedicated staff that looks after the patient and the child. Besides, the staff must be friendly with the patients.

Postpartum Care

As beautiful as pregnancy is, it is a complex phase in a woman’s life. It isn’t only about giving birth to a baby, but you are supposed to follow proper pre-natal and postpartum care procedures to ensure that you and your baby are healthy. You must take the maternity tour in the hospital to learn more about the facilities, nursing team, wards for delivery, birth options, and more. You must also check the dining services and other special facilities the hospital offers. Postpartum care is important. It can have a long-lasting impact on your health, especially if you choose cesarean. Postpartum care is especially important during this pandemic. People with weak immune systems can catch viral infections easily. Even if you have chosen the best maternity hospital in Navi Mumbai, you must take the necessary precautions.

Flexible Services

It’s absolutely fine if you don’t want to step out of home for your in-person hospital visits. Choose a hospital that allows virtual meetings. This gives you the flexibility to attend the prenatal appointment without having to bear the risk of going out. Consult your gynecologist to see if they conduct virtual appointments.

 More info available at


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