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Advancement in Assisted Fertility Techniques Makes You to take First Big Test

From mourning over the pain of being childless to experiencing the pleasure of parenthood, couples have traveled a long way since the development of precise and advanced infertility treatment techniques.

Are you searching the Internet to make yourself aware of different fertility treatments offered by Infertility Specialists in Navi Mumbai?

If yes, then read the blog to get an idea of different infertility treatment methods that can help you in achieving the goal of parenthood.

When you meet an infertility specialist, he must explain to you about these procedures. Thus, you can make a well-informed decision.

Surprisingly, for the majority of the people, IVF is the only infertility treatment procedure. However, in the modern era, you don’t always need an IVF. Many apt and effective procedures can bring success fast.

Here are the three most popular fertility treatments available today.

Intra Uterine Insemination or IUI

One of the prominent reasons behind difficulty in conceiving is poor sperm motility and lower count of sperms.

IUI is an ideal solution in these male infertility issues. It is a primary procedure doctor opts for couples having a difficult time conceiving due to uncertain reasons for infertility.

In this procedure, the sperm is placed as near as possible to the egg. It permanently removes all the hurdles for the sperm to reach the egg and fertilize.

In this less-invasive procedure, the probability of success is pretty high because the fertile period is identified, and the sperm is placed right at the egg after collection and purification.

It is a relatively inexpensive Infertility Treatment in Vashi.

When is IUI recommended?

It is said that the IUI ramps up the probability of conception as high as 20 percent. It is the best procedure to achieve pregnancy in case of low quality and quantity of sperm provided a few conditions are satisfied.
·         The semen analysis is normal.
·         The fallopian tubes are healthy.
·         The female partner hasn’t been diagnosed with Endometriosis or PCOS.
The percentage of success can be elevated further if the insemination procedure is assisted with ovulation induction.

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF

IUI can bring the happiness of parenthood in cases where weak sperm parameters cause infertility.
However, in some complex cases like the presence of PCOS, blockage in the fallopian tube or endometriosis it becomes necessary to search for other alternatives.

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a procedure where the ovaries are stimulated to boost the number of eggs produced. The matured eggs are retrieved and stored.

After extracting the motile sperm, it is combined with the retrieved eggs for fertilization. Once turned into the embryo, it is planted into the uterus.

The best ivf cost depends on the level of sophistication offered by the infertility center.

IVF has helped millions of childless couples worldwide to enjoy the parenthood. The success of it is attributed to the immense advancement in the Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) happened in the past few decades.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI

IVF is indeed an effective solution for infertility, but there is a catch. It depends on the motility and sperm count a lot.

If the sperm count is limited, then achieving pregnancy through IVF could be a challenge. When a gynecologist in vashi discovers the problem, she suggests another treatment method ICSI.

In the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection method, healthy sperm is directly injected into the retrieved egg, and the fertilization is made easy. The embryologist confirms the pregnancy after the due interval.

When a couple visits the gynecologist, they should be explained about the different treatment choices. The best one is chosen based on individual need.

Related Search : Female Fertility Complications and Treatment details
                             Treat Male InFertility With IVF/ICSI
                             Progressive Treatment plan for Infertility Treatment


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